Thursday, August 18, 2011

Meet Jack Shepard


As this blog is supposed to be about my gaming experiences it's time to show the first game I'm currently playing:

I know: it's damn epic - but the ads are nice too, right?

Mass Effect 2 is the second incarnation of an action-roleplaying game made by BioWare. As Commander Shepard you save the galaxy from certain annihilation, whilst enjoing to choose how the story evolves and how you interact with people.
... and you get to shoot things.

I made a few characters (... and playthroughs) but my current one kinda looks like this:

... what's Jason Stratham doin in my character sheet?
  • Name: Jack Shepard
  • Origin: Spacer
  • Reputation: War Hero
  • Class: Level 30 Infiltrator 

As you can see he's kinda paragonish - I just couldn't let all the funny renegade-interrupts pass. Skillwise he's specialized in Assassination Cloak to max the damage his Widow can deliver. As Advanced Training I chose Heavy Warp Ammo to overcome the infiltrators weakness in dealing with Barriers.
Biggest problem are shields, I allways have someone with heavy overload with me. Mostly Miranda because she also got a nice... Heavy Warp that supports my barrier-/shieldcrushing abilities.

I also tend to use my cloaking ability to sneak around enemies and catch them in a crossfire with my teammates. Of cause I use the Kessa Locust for that matter.

I just did the suicide mission to finally gain my lates precious:

[seal of awesomeness]

Now it's official: I'm member of the club of insane Mass Effect - players.

Next thing I'll do is beat the DLCs for Zaeed, Shadow Broker, Overlord. Then I'll try to get the last 2 missing achievements:
prison break reversed
survive 5 flying skulls!!!111
I guess Covert Action should be a piece of cake for an invisible infiltrator ^^. Let's see...
Thanks for your attention!


  1. I have yet to play Mass effect. From what I've heard it suppose to be great.
    Great post, this looks like it could be a great blog :D

  2. Thanks - early support is appreciated ^^. I'm pretty excited about it.

  3. Man, this game looks a little involved for me. Have you tried Crysis (original or new) yet? If you like ME2, you might get a kick out of those.

  4. No way - it's damn simple, belive me. I've heared a lot of crysis - maybe I'll give it a try.
